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  • @CreamPie and Norfolk It's so nice to read all of this wonderful news about her! I was so worried about her that I was almost losing sleep over it. Can you believe it? Now we can finally breathe a sign of relief knowing that she's going to be in …
  • @CreamPie I never really thought about it that way. Thanks for your insight. I'll try to keep that in mind. @Cygnus That's actually not a bad idea. I remember a few years ago, some posters from another "Nude Model" database site like this one s…
  • I don't know about you, but does anyone feel a little bit of guilt owning Annett's photos and videos, especially now with these unfortunate revelations coming out. I'm assuming most, if not all of you, here have already downloaded all of her modelli…
  • @CreamPie Wow! This is just shocking and heartbreaking at the same time! After reading what you had to say and after looking at the evidence for myself, I have no other choice but to agree with the now undeniable fact that Annett's profiles might…
  • If what you're saying turns out to be true, then someone should seriously report these fake accounts and have them deleted. In any case, your theory sounds plausible, but I'm not 100% convinced. There's just not enough proof either way. I've been sa…
  • If her accounts are fake, how do you explain some of the photos on her VK page which look like private, personal photos -- photos that can't possibly be found anywhere else? Sure anyone can create a fake account of any model, especially with Annett …
  • She just posted this a couple of hours ago on her VK page. Here's the full translation in English: "My dear ones! I'll write again here! I physically can not answer everyone ... Do not write me - How much? DFT? and I pofotkayu .... Write who is…
  • @Cygnus Well, if you remember from last month, I did email Antonio and he did say that she could end up changing her mind and return to doing nude stuff again. So I do agree with you that anything is possible. Personally, if she does return to nude…
  • @Cygnus That doesn't make any sense though. Why would she post something about "International Women's Day " on her VK fan page which is devoted to all her erotic modelling stuff? Seems kind of random and awkward to me. Plus, 99 percent of her follo…
  • According to her recent post on her VK page (, it says she's anticipating something on March 8 and right next to the text, there's a completely nude photo from one of her sets. My gut feeling tells me that I could be ri…
  • @Cygnus Good news! As you suggested, I emailed Antonio regarding Annett A. and got a response within a couple of days. He said he wishes that Annett would come back and although she's not modelling, there's a chance that she could change her mind…
  • I have a feeling that she hasn't really left modelling. If you check out her VK page, she's still active posting her photos almost every single day! That doesn't sound like someone who's completely left the modelling world behind. I think her "leavi…
  • How do you know about this? Can you provide a source?