Yaffa / ICGID: YX-00JS / #1109

Here you can discuss Yaffa, ICGID: YX-00JS

Links to her model pages:


  • 17 March 2002 Discovery video --> 17 March 2003 Discovery [00'05'38] [AVI] [520x390] Alexander Voronin video = Tania_B_1925.htm = Tanya_F_2259.htm

  • Thank you for your super database, I am enjoying cleaning up my collection! Much better than crossword puzzles!

    Used to be a ballet dancer and was always in love with this girl. In the old Met she was called Tania and in MetGirls Tania A. They had her by Jerry Ashelon and if you look at the old Inna Q, Barbarella or Vika AC sets, it is the same studio and scarfs.

    Would you like the old covers?

  • Franco - I'm always on the look out for old MET covers but only if they have a date attached, as the DB is ordered by date (:R

  • You already have the Tania covers in the DB:

    Yaffa = Tania ( http://www.thenude.eu/Tania_12529.htm ).

    All the pictures in the MET-Models set "Aspiration" (only 44) had already been published in the MostEroticTeens/MET-Art set "Classical Dancers" (174 pics!).


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